!*********************************************************************************************************************************** ! ! C A L ! ! Program: CAL ! ! Programmer: David G. Simpson ! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ! Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 ! ! Date: January 25, 2005 ! ! Language: Fortran-90 ! ! Version: 1.00b (January 28, 2005) ! ! Description: Generates a calendar, much like the UNIX "cal" command. Works only for the Gregorian calendar. ! ! Files: Source files: ! ! cal.f90 Main program ! ! Syntax: ! cal Prints a calendar for the current month. ! cal [month] [year] Prints a calendar for the specified month and year. (E.g.: cal 7 1776 for July 1776.) ! cal [year] Prints a one-year calendar for the specified year. (E.g.: cal 1776 for all of 1776.) ! ! Note: This program uses one non-standard subroutine: GETCL is used to retrieve the command line argument. ! !*********************************************************************************************************************************** PROGRAM CAL IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: CL CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: TIME, DATE, ZONE INTEGER :: DT(8) INTEGER :: IERR, I, J, K, L, YEAR, MONTH, DOW, DOW3(3), DAY3(3) LOGICAL :: MONTH_CAL INTEGER :: GREG2DOW LOGICAL :: LEAP INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: DAYS_PER_MONTH = (/ & 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 /) CHARACTER(LEN=9), DIMENSION(12), PARAMETER :: MONTH_NAMES = (/ & ' January ', 'February ', ' March ', ' April ', & ' May ', ' June ', ' July ', ' August ', & 'September', ' October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) CHARACTER(LEN=78), DIMENSION(4), PARAMETER :: SHORT_MONTH_NAMES = (/ & ' Jan Feb Mar', & ' Apr May Jun', & ' Jul Aug Sep', & ' Oct Nov Dec' /) CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: WEEKDAYS = ' S M Tu W Th F S' !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL GETCL (CL) ! get command line string MONTH_CAL = .TRUE. ! initialize month flag IF (LEN_TRIM(CL) .GT. 4) THEN ! if command line parameter length > 4.. READ (UNIT=CL, FMT=*, IOSTAT=IERR) MONTH, YEAR ! ..then assume month and year input IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN ! check for input error WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(A)') ' Input error.' STOP END IF ELSE IF (LEN_TRIM(CL) .GT. 0) THEN ! if command line parameter length < 4.. READ (UNIT=CL, FMT=*, IOSTAT=IERR) YEAR ! ..then assume year only input IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN ! check for input error WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(A)') ' Input error.' STOP END IF MONTH_CAL = .FALSE. ! set flag to produce one-year calendar ELSE ! if no command line parameter.. CALL DATE_AND_TIME (DATE, TIME, ZONE, DT) ! ..then get current date YEAR = DT(1) ! use current year MONTH = DT(2) ! use current month END IF IF (LEAP(YEAR)) DAYS_PER_MONTH(2) = 29 ! if leap year, then February has 29 days IF (MONTH_CAL) THEN ! --- ONE-MONTH CALENDAR --- DOW = GREG2DOW (YEAR, MONTH, 1) ! find day of week of the 1st of the month WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(/5X,A,1X,I4.4)') & ! print month name and year (MONTH_NAMES(MONTH))(1:LEN_TRIM(MONTH_NAMES(MONTH))), YEAR WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(1X,A)') WEEKDAYS ! print weekday names DO I = 1, DOW ! indent to place the 1st of the month WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(3X)', ADVANCE='NO') END DO DO I = 1, DAYS_PER_MONTH(MONTH) ! loop to print each day WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(I3)', ADVANCE='NO') I ! print day number DOW = DOW + 1 ! increment day of week IF (DOW .EQ. 7) THEN ! if end of week.. DOW = 0 ! ..then wrap around to Sunday WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='()') ! and start a new line END IF END DO ELSE ! --- ONE-YEAR CALENDAR --- WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(/33X,I4.4/)') YEAR ! print year DO I = 1, 4 ! for each of 4 rows (of 3 months each) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(1X,A)') SHORT_MONTH_NAMES(I) ! write line of month names WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(1X,3(A,3X))') (WEEKDAYS, J=1,3) ! write line of weekday names DOW3(1) = GREG2DOW (YEAR, 3*I-2, 1) ! find day of week of 1st of each of the 3 months DOW3(2) = GREG2DOW (YEAR, 3*I-1, 1) DOW3(3) = GREG2DOW (YEAR, 3*I, 1) DAY3 = (/ 1, 1, 1 /) ! initialize day-of-month counters DO J = 1, 6 ! for each of 6 lines (weeks) of each month DO K = 1, 3 ! for each of the 3 months in this row IF (J .EQ. 1) THEN ! if the first line.. DO L = 1, DOW3(K) ! ..indent to place the 1st of the month WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(3X)', ADVANCE='NO') END DO ! end L END IF DO ! loop to print one row of dates (one month) IF (DAY3(K) .LE. DAYS_PER_MONTH(3*(I-1)+K)) THEN ! if a valid day (not beyond end of month).. WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(I3)', ADVANCE='NO') DAY3(K) ! ..then print day ELSE WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(3X)', ADVANCE='NO') ! otherwise, fill with spaces END IF DAY3(K) = DAY3(K) + 1 ! increment day DOW3(K) = DOW3(K) + 1 ! increment day of week IF (DOW3(K) .EQ. 7) THEN ! if end of week.. DOW3(K) = 0 ! ..then wrap around to Sunday EXIT ! and exit loop to start next row END IF END DO WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='(2X)', ADVANCE='NO') ! space between months END DO ! end K WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT='()') ! start new line END DO ! end J END DO ! end I END IF STOP END PROGRAM CAL !*********************************************************************************************************************************** ! GREG2DOW - Compute day of week for a given Gregorian date. ! Returns 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ..., 6=Saturday. !*********************************************************************************************************************************** FUNCTION GREG2DOW (YEAR, MONTH, DAY) RESULT (DOW) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: YEAR, MONTH, DAY INTEGER :: DOW DOUBLE PRECISION :: JD INTEGER :: Y, M, A, B IF (MONTH .GT. 2) THEN Y = YEAR M = MONTH ELSE Y = YEAR - 1 M = MONTH + 12 END IF A = Y/100 B = 2 - A + A/4 JD = INT(365.25D0*(Y+4716)) + INT(30.6001D0*(M+1)) + DAY + B - 1524.5D0 DOW = MOD(JD+1.5D0, 7) RETURN END FUNCTION GREG2DOW !*********************************************************************************************************************************** ! LEAP - Determine whether a given year is a leap year. !*********************************************************************************************************************************** FUNCTION LEAP (YEAR) RESULT (LEAP_FLAG) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: YEAR LOGICAL :: LEAP_FLAG LEAP_FLAG = .FALSE. IF (MOD(YEAR,4) .EQ. 0) LEAP_FLAG = .TRUE. IF (MOD(YEAR,100) .EQ. 0) LEAP_FLAG = .FALSE. IF (MOD(YEAR,400) .EQ. 0) LEAP_FLAG = .TRUE. RETURN END FUNCTION LEAP